Learn Spanish



Learning a language is a social activity. With people who are fluent speakers, you learn to pronounce the words better and hear the inflections and nuances that you can’t obtain from a book or CD. You have to engage with others to be able to think in another language quickly. Studies show that immersion in the culture is an effective method to learn how to speak Spanish.

An immersion program is where you live in another country with local residents and practice with native speakers. A good school gives you opportunities to interact in the community with tours to special places with cultural significance. Staying with a local family lets you practice in the evening when you are out of class. When you have to use the language in everyday activities, you’ll make progress in your learning.

When you attend a Spanish immersion school, you will be submerged in the culture. You will have to interact with bus drivers to get to school, restaurant staff, and shop clerks who may not understand your native language. The social activity provides the stimulus to practice your new language even when you’re afraid or feel insecure. You may believe you will sound stupid, but consider it from a different perspective. When you have had an opportunity to interact with someone who is learning your native tongue, did you look down on them? You were probably very supportive. Most people you meet will feel the same way.

Fear is one of the biggest reasons adults fail when they attempt to learn how to speak Spanish. Once you realize that you won’t be ridiculed or mocked, your fear will begin to dissipate. You’ll gain confidence in speaking which keeps you from failing in your endeavor. Conversation with a native speaker is an effective method to improve your vocabulary.

mmersing yourself in the culture takes you out of the book and into practical life experiences. Practicing your new skills helps embed them in your brain. It’s better to learn a little each day to keep the words fresh in your mind. Learning a language is not sprint, but a marathon where you have to pace yourself.

When you are ready to learn how to speak Spanish, you have many different approaches that you can choose from. If you’re serious about a new language, an immersion school is an effective method that provides interaction with people who speak the language. Although you can’t completely learn Spanish in a couple of weeks, you’ll take the confidence home to your own community to continue to practice.

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