Lots of Spanish language learners channel all their efforts in order to obtain highly recognized certifications in Spanish. However, the most world-recognized certification in Spanish is the DELE (Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language), as it can easily make the difference between a prosperous, lucrative career in a Spanish speaking market and a low-pay, non-rewarding job. Most people would do anything to obtain such world-recognized certifications, and they invest lots of money and time in the process with little or no prospect of ever achieving their goals.

There are thousands of scammers on the Internet who commonly lure people into buying various second-class Spanish courses from unaccredited Spanish language schools as well as self-study online programs promising great results with minimal effort. However, there are also many solid, reliable Spanish language schools on the World Wide Web that provide students with elaborate, well-structured, and comprehensive Spanish language programs which facilitate the process of learning and guarantee success. Considering this fact, it is very important to distinguish between average Spanish language schools and professionally accredited Spanish language schools like IMAC Spanish Language Programs in Guadalajara, Mexico that actually provide effective and legitimate Spanish training programs.If your time allows it, consider attending a Spanish immersion program at an Accredited and Legitimate Spanish language school instead of attending a NON-Accredited Spanish language school or using self-study Spanish oriented programs. There are schools such as ours, IMAC Spanish Language Programs, which offers accredited, professional, and intensive Spanish courses, laboratories and conversation workshops taught by well-trained, experienced, professionally trained Native Spanish Teachers. Furthermore, we are the only language school in Mexico to hold accreditation for all of the following:

  • Accredited by Instituto Cervantes/The Ministry for Education of Spain Since June 2009.
  • The Secretary of Education of Mexico Since 1977.
  • Accredited DELE testing center since January 2009.
  • Bildungsurlaub accredited in eight German federal states.
  • CENNI. Only Spanish language school accredited by the government of Mexico.

Moreover, our organization has been granted status as a Socially Responsible Institution. To our knowledge, we are the only language school in Mexico to have received this coveted award. High academic standards are obviously high while our classes are yet filled with enjoyable and fun activities.

By attending a five day Spanish language program in Guadalajara, Mexico you can quickly get a taste of the program and familiarize yourself with your new language. During your Spanish language class at IMAC Spanish Language Programs, you will receive constant support and feed-back from well-trained professionals. Such training courses are not only focused on theory, they are also aimed at forming and enhancing your practical skills regarding various aspects of the Spanish language. Thousands of graduates recommend IMAC Spanish Language Programs in Guadalajara, Mexico to people who wish to build a solid, successful career in the Spanish speaking world.

The ultimate goal of the DELE certification is in the development of your professional Spanish speaking career, validating a specific experience required for any small, middle, or large company.

DELE Certification is one of the few credentials in the world of Spanish language schools with additional value only issued to those professionals and individuals who demonstrated their abilities by passing this demanding, process-oriented exam through rigorous study at an Accredited Spanish language school like IMAC Spanish Language Programs in Guadalajara, Mexico.

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